Iron & Steel Making

Dry Out System

Dry Out System are designed as compact and portable systems, making them ideal for refractory dry-out, furnace heat-up.

The System is designed to operate with high excess air, capable of working with a fuel/air ratio. 

These systems can operate with various fuel types, including gaseous fuels like COke Oven Gas, Mixed Gas  , Natural gas and LPG, and liquid fuels such as light oil.

The system is tailored to meet the Process requirements and   all components such as the combustion air fan, gas train, and control cabinet integrated into a single unit.

The system includes a temperature control and monitoring allowing operators to view furnace temperatures, gas & air flow rates, internal furnace pressures, alarms, and system faults on a touch panel recorder.

Application Areas

• Furnace Heat-Up 

•Blast Furnace Runners Dry-Out

•Steel Ladles & Tundish Dryers

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