ENCON Thermal Engineers

Combustion Equipment

Hot Air Generator


An indirect Hot air generator consists of a combustion chamber, heat exchanger, and MS cover. The combustion chamber and heat exchanger are made of SS-304/310 material.

The burner is fired in the combustion chamber and flue gas after the combustion chamber through a heat exchanger where it transmits heat to the exchanger and finally comes out through the chimney.

The combustion chamber and heat exchanger shall is housed in MS or SS duct. At one end of the duct, an air circulation blower is fitted. The fan blow air over the heat exchanger and combustion chamber. After passing over it, it will be heated to the desired temperature required for the process.

The Hot air generators can be energized by a variety of liquid and gessoes fuels, the process temperature is controlled automatically, Auto Ignition and flame monitoring is also done automatically through the control panel provided

These kinds of HAG are used when we require clean hot air, these are used in processes like Herb/Food drying, Painting, etc.


Direct Hot air generator consists of a combustion chamber and a dilution fan in which a burner is fired, flue gas & air from the dilution will pass through the chamber to the utility, the percentage of dilution through the dilution fan depends upon the depends on the desired temperature required for the process.

The Hot air generators can be energized by a variety of liquid and gessoes fuels, the process temperature is controlled automatically, Auto Ignition and flame monitoring are also done automatically through the control panel provided.

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